First Maryland Regiment offers this list of potential sources for your perusal. We DO NOT endorse or recommend anyone and STRONGLY RECOMMEND working with us prior to purchasing ANYTHING so we can make sure what you buy is correct as requirements vary greatly between units. This way you won't waste money buying anything you will have to replace because it is not correct.
A list of a few sources for material goods...
Cocked Hats - George Franks- G. Franks Cocked Hats Matthew Brenkle -brencklehats@gmail.com and https://www.facebook.com/brencklehats; Erik Lichack clichack@aol.com
Monmouth Caps- South Union Mills
Linen shirts Bethlehem Trading Post; Samson Historical
Waistcoat  Samson Historical
Neck Stock- Samson Historical
Breeches & overalls; Samson Historical
Wool Stockings South Union Mills ; Bethlehem Trading Post
Staved wood canteen S&S Sutlers note- you must ask for wood staved Rev War canteen
Shoes Flying Canoe Traders ;Gossville Shoes; Fugawee Shoes
Hunting Shirt Joyce McDonald 301-779-5825 (Contact Unit First!)
Regimental Coat  This is the last item to be bought and is normally purchased directly prior to Privates test. DO NOT BUY WITHOUT REGIMENTAL APPROVAL!!

Distaff Clothing
 Joyce McDonald (301)- 779-5825
Jennifer D'Onofrio  The Needleworkers
April Thomas Fashions Revisited
Samson Historical Samson Historical
Townsends  Townsends

  Cloth, Buttons, Patterns Buckles and Sewing Notions etc.
Roy Najecki Reproductions Fabrics, Materials, Patterns and Sewing Notions. Very good source for buttons, haversack kits etc.
Burnley & Trowbridge Fabrics, Materials, Patterns and Sewing Notions.
Wm Booth Draper Fabrics, Materials, Patterns and Sewing Notions.
Samson Historical  Clothing, Camp Equipment, Accessories and Magazine.
Instructional and Educational Links
History Hands On 18th Century clothing workshops in Virginia.
Fort Ticonderoga 18th Century clothing and accouterments workshops in New York.
Neal Hurst Hunting Shirt Thesis-A Must Read!
Neal Hurst Instructional Videos Excellent instructional sewing and garment videos.
Burnley and Trowbridge Videos Excellent instructional sewing and garment videos.
Drill Video Links
1764 Kings Manual Drill
1764 Manual Exercise
1764 Additional Drill Maneuvers
The 1777 Continental Baron de Steuben Drill
Short Basic 1777 Continental Drill
First Maryland Short Drill Manual